


Вартість: від 400$

Pantera, a Brazilian, speaks only Portuguese, or rather “Brazillero” - a Brazilian dialect. His fellow Pravosek does not speak Portuguese, but this does not prevent them from agreeing on a new model hairstyle. You can buy this work for a donation starting from $400 to fundraise for the 2 Legion.

A sense of humor is an integral part of life in the 2 Legion; each fighter brings something different to this boiling cauldron, characteristic of their nation. Thanks to modern technologies, it has become possible to make unique Moral Patches even in a single instance. Everyone jokes in their way, including our German brothers. You can buy this work for a donation starting from $400 to fundraise for the 2 Legion.

Ви можете придбати цю роботу за донат від $400 на збір коштів для 2 Легіону.


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