
Pre-auction Exhibition. Ukrainian Art of the XX-XXI centuries


The first auction of the Mercury Auction House will take place on September 27.
The auction presents 39 Ukrainian art pieces from the 20th and 21st centuries
of such artists as Oleksa Novakivskyi, Jacques Hnizdovsky, Karlo Zvirynskyi, Roman Selskyi, Alla Horska, Viktor Zaretskyi, Fedir Tetyanych, Anatoly Kryvolap, Tiberiy Silvashi, Oleh Tistol and others.
The pre-auction exhibition starts on August 17 at the Center of Intellectual Art Mercury. The displayed works are open for viewing daily, except Monday, from 12:00 until 8:00 PM, located at Mickevycha Square, 10, Lviv.
Дізнатись більше можна на офіційному сайті Аукціонного дому Меркурій: https://mercuryauction.com/?currency=USD&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw6JS3BhBAEiwAO9waF1SGc_00udAjghA_7Dcp02Hu0vHNK4B6aBlBp2HpnF_0OIa9ukUg5hoCkbMQAvD_BwE

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